Things i noticed in Hungary

Things i noticed in Hungary

This is another post in a special sequel of things I noticed in foreign countries.


The previous ones are about Germany, Austria, and Slovakia.

So here is a list of them. Please let me know what you think about it and If I missed something, let me know in the comments.

  • Rainwater from buildings is discarded on the sidewalk or the pipe goes over the sidewalk.
  • People tend to look down not only to their phone but in general.
  • (A lot of) People dislike the police.
  • Garbage dumping is pretty common.
  • Hungarians are very fond of paprika (which they adopted from the Ottoman during their occupation).
  • Brown bread is difficult to get by. As white is the standard.
  • Churches are locket always even on Sundays but do ring there bells quite often.
  • In Budapest there are a crazy amount of conductors for the public transport.
  • There are special bins for dog po.
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