Day 54 Zorneding – Grafing bei München
20 November 2018
Zorneding – Grafing bei München
Today we left for Grafing. We walked alongside the train track for a while.
Along the way the sun set and the dark kicked in. It was a clear sky and we could see the stars.
Several different trains passed by. I noticed that the train system is quite complicated, with a number of different kinds of trains and subways (ICE, IC, regional trains, S-Bahn, U-Bahn, UNS-buss). Aladin told me the Germans don’t get it either. On the way we saw a large wood shredder, it shredded huge tree trunks. We walked close to it. The little boy in Aladin awakend and he watched the proces for a while. Then we arrived at Garfing. There we stayed at a nice and welcoming family. It was cosy and warm inside, we slept on a matrass in the living room. They had a little daughter who told us a lot about all kinds of stuff. She’s a little acrobat and put up a show at the hangmat that hanged at the ceiling of the living room. They also had a very cute cat.
One thought on “Day 54 Zorneding – Grafing bei München”
Wat leuk om te lezen Aladin dat je gezelschap hebt gekregen! En wat een verrassing voor een outsider als ik. Ik lees je blog nog steeds bijna iedere avond en vond je opsomming van zaken die je opgevallen zijn heel erg leuk om te lezen. Nou de winter is bij jullie ingevallen zag ik, hoop dat je/jullie voeten droog en warm blijven en de schoenen ertegen kunnen. maar gelukkig zijn er steeds weer adressen waar je kunt opwarmen.
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