Day 53 München – zorneding

Day 53 München – zorneding

19 November 2018
München – zorneding

Today Aladin showed me the center of Munich. It’s a nice city with a few beautifull churches and old buildings.


We ate a tart at a bakery. Unfortunately the people at the bakery weren’t friendly at all. We could not take a seat and left demonstratively with our plates (which we put on the doorstep later on). At the market square they were setting up a christmas market, which reminds me of the holidays ahead (that Aladin and I will spent separate). Along the way there was a men who played accordion beautifully. We wondered if it was a walsh and almost started to dance. We left Munich and found a little open field where we pitched the tent. It snowed that day for the first time of Aladins journey and the temperature was low. I discovered that my sleeping bag was not really sufficient. So I was very cold at night, but Aladin lent me some of his warmth. The next morning we packed the tent and left fot Grafing.

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