Day 26 Kell – Koblenz

Day 26 Kell – Koblenz

23 October 2018
Kell – Koblenz

Alfons drove me down from Kell to the Rhine, meanwhile he told me some history about the region. Down at the Rhine I had a long day ahead. First stop was Andernach. Alfons had explained that the valley opens at Andernach and near Koblenz close again. In Andernach I took a look in the Dom, but it was not that interesting. However, they did have a stamp of Compostela so I put this one in my notebook.

At a bakery I took a Brezel and a warm chocolate. And called the doctor in Koblenz to reschedule my appointment for my last travel vaccination.

I found a new manhol cover

As I left Andernach I walked through the ruins of this castle.

Just a funny sign

In Weißenthum I had a look at Niewied, but the view was not so pretty.

Then there were more marks of high water. It is remarkable how high the water can rise.

Then I headed to Mülheim-Kärlich, my navigation planned to let me walk along a buzzy road to Koblenz. Then I saw that the E8 was ‘only’ 400 meter more so I took the unpaved road. I forgot to take height in account. It was a long way up.
But it was worth the view.

As I climbed up further, the lights of the valley slowly disappeared and in front of me Koblenz appeared and on the right there was a after sunset.

It was still a 1.5 hour walk and when I thought I was almost there, the bridge over the weir in the Mosel was closed due to construction.

Taking another bridge, was only 200 meters more but mentally it felt like a kilometer.

5 thoughts on “Day 26 Kell – Koblenz

  1. Hoi Aladin, je schiet al aardig op. Twee jaar terug ben ik tot Koblenz gefietst en vorig jaar er doorheen gefietst. Aardige boulevard aan het water en een interessant Romeins germaans museum.
    Veel pkezier.

  2. dat kan ik mee voorstellen als je denkt dat je er ( bijna) bent..
    Ja, wij leven gewoon door en jij loopt en loopt en loopt….ik hoop maar steeds dat het niet al te veel regent ( ook al is dat niet goed voor scheepvaart en landbouw.) wel voor mijn moederhart dat met je meeleeft.En dat je rugzak niet te zwaar is. mam.

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