Day 75 – 77 Linz
10 december 2018
I walked to the Pöstlingbergkirche on the hill at the other side of the Donau. On the way to the top I had the first hail of my journey.
This is the view over the city from the Pöstlingberg.
Back to the city I took the Bergbahn, a small tram on narrow-gauge railway.
In the evening Christiane had a choir over at her house, they came to practice Christmas songs. I joined for one or two songs, but they can sing much better than me. After the singing a few of the members of the choir stayed and Christiane made käsespätzle, it was really good.
11 December 2018
I walked around the city and did some sightseeing, visited the outdoorshop and went to the library to plan my journey to Wien.
The Mariendom had beautifull windows, I find it impressive how detailed they are it are almost photos.
The roof is nicely finished.
When I was going back to Christian’s house it started raining heavily, so I went into the Alterdom. It was completely empty and the organ was being played. I recorded it and if you follow the link you can listen to it.
Christiane had a meeting at her work, so I wanted to go to another organ concert but on arrival there was nothing. That made me sad. I looked at the Linz app and it said that there was also an organ concert in caleidoscoop but this was canceled. 😢 The janitor told me if I waited that I could go into a room where students were palying.
12 December 2018
I sad goodbye to Christiane (at 6.30) had to work. Then I went to the train station to go to Wels, there was a package arrived that I needed to pick up. Then I went back to Linz and went to the library. It was closed and I had to wait pretty long before I could go in. In the waiting time I took the elevator to the top floor and enjoyed the view and wrote some postcards.
When I finally could go into the library, I started to sent out requests to people to stay over. After two and a half hours I was totally done with it literally and figuratively.
So until Wien I had done everything that I could.
I swinged my backpack on and left. At the north side of the Donau I started to follow the Jerusalem way. An hour after sunset I put up my tent at a field along the Donau.
One thought on “Day 75 – 77 Linz”
Hoi Aladin, Wat een prachtige reis van je leven ben je aan het maken. Het uitzicht vanaf de bibliotheek is ook erg mooi met de kleurrijke huizen en de bergen op de achtergrond. Ik ben eindelijk weer aan het lezen wat je allemaal meemaakt. Er zijn veel aardige mensen die je onderdak en hulp bieden. Dat moet je goede hoop geven om vol te kunnen houden.
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