Day 65 Salzburg – Seekirchen am Wallersee
30 November 2018
Salzburg – Seekirchen am Wallersee
I stayed with Hannes and his house mates. At breakfast I asked what Servus means, Linda explained to me that it means slave or survent.
Yesterday I bought a 20 hour ticket for Salzburg, this morning the ticket was still valid. So I used it to get into the city center and to get out on the other side so I didn’t have to walk through the industrial area because that’s really boring and not a lot of Fun.
I walked through some small Villages on the way to Seekirchen.
There was this house, it was completely packed full with firewood. Only the windows at your left were open.
I was pretty early in Seekirchen, so I went to look in the church and I went to the cafe. It really was a weird café, instead of a smoking room there was a room where they put in the non-smokers.