Day 33 Trechtingshausen – Mainz

Day 33 Trechtingshausen – Mainz

30 October 2018
Trechtingshausen – Mainz

Last night I put up my tent at a camping.
It was a fine spot and the surface was horizontal. When I came back from the toilet, I went completely nuts.

There was a strong and cold wind coming from the south and it brought rain along. Brrr.

When I left the camping, the owner came to me to collect the money. He looked like: Karbonkel. And when he had received the money, he started to laugh like Gargamel who had finally caught all the Smurfs. It was a unpleasant surprise.

Just after Trechtingshausen I wanted to take a shortcut over the riverbed but is was not possible. :/

Then I hit a big line. 50 degree [norder breedte]

I arrived in Bingen. The town that seemed to be not so far away but in the end still took a while to reach.

A random grandfather started a conversation with me. He told me that the water is now so low that you can walk to the island with a toll tower. I joined him and his granddaughter.

This is the dam to the island. I wonder what type of stones it is, let me know in the comments

When I was in the center of Bingen, there was not really a place to warm up. So I went directly to Mainz. In the Starbucks I completely dozed off and I sat there for a while until I could go to my host(s).

This illustrates my day a bit.

3 thoughts on “Day 33 Trechtingshausen – Mainz

  1. Hoi Aladin ik vind het heel erg leuk om je via je blog te volgen. Ik vind je ongelooflijk stoer en ook zie ik hoe goed je de reis hebt voorbereid. ik hoop maar dat je dit kunt lezen. Hartelijke groet, Lies

  2. Arme Aladin. Gelukkig heb je mooie dingen onderweg gezien (gave foto’s). Liefs en knuffel, vera

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