One year later
I wanted to write for a while but i could not find the time and the motivation.
A lot has changed in since than. I started working at e new job found a (temporary) home. Moved to another place again here I can stay as long as I like. It’s in the center of the Netherlands.
My plan to walk to China is still there but for now I have to put it on ice. although a part of me remains in Hungary and this makes me sad. I am longing to continue.
I want to fill up my piggy bank so that te next time when I go I can travel without worrying.
A fun fact is that I regularly I receive messages from people where I stayed.
Last week I even met someone how was a gast at host in Germany.
I am impressed that even when i did not post any new content I have 10.000 more views on the blog. So Thank you!